Lincoln Journal Star – December 8, 2009 – The Nebraska Department of Labor announces the addition of job postings from a 50 mile perimeter around the state through an update that provides a daily download of jobs from DirectEmployers JobCentral National Labor Exchange.
The state of Nebraska has uploaded postings to the National Labor Exchange for quite some time, with jobs listed by and for Nebraska employers published nationally. Now, a nightly download from the National Labor Exchange will increase the number of job postings available through “JobLink” in Nebraska by more than 2,000 jobs daily and will enhance opportunities for Nebraska’s job seekers to find the positions they are seeking, the department said.
“JobLink” is an online tool that helps jobseekers and employers connect”, said Commissioner of Labor, Catherine D. Lang. “The alliance with Job Central National Labor Exchange will enrich JobLink and present more job opportunities for Nebraskans.”
Job postings from cities such as Council Bluffs and Sioux City, Iowa, Marysville, Kan., and Cheyenne, Wyo., and Yankton, S.D. for example, are now included in the download, expanding work search possibilities and more job prospects.
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